الأربعاء، أغسطس 15، 2012

Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media

Published on August 15, 2012 by Akashma Online News
Re-blogged from FarazAhmed.com

Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media / Islamic Parties

Faraz Ahmed July 14, 2012 328
Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media / Islamic Parties
In now a days people are posting pictures with captions like Muslims killing in burma, Muslims slaughted by Buddhists in Burma..
I have search reality of few pics and found following:

A picture shared on facebook:
602535 335682046513473 517563933 n Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media / Islamic Parties

I have found original version here:
This picture was taken in 2010 regarding Earthquake in China and tibetians community help and rescue in China. Now Islamic political parties and some other elements are sharing this image as Muslims killing / slaughter in Burma.
tibet orig Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media / Islamic Parties

A view of another  widely spreaded  picture with caption of “More then 1000 people killed in Burma” which also has a fake caption.
575850 422729151098985 1400558517 n Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media / Islamic Parties

Original Image and Website:
This picture is of year 2004 nearly 8 years old about riots in Thailand.
VOICE LIBERTY NATIONAL 093950 Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media / Islamic Parties

One more image is spreading on social media with logo of Jamat-e-Islami having caption “terrorists of Budhism of Burma kills 500 Muslims”
Terrorists of Budhism of Burma Kills 500 Muslims at the Beach today 753438 Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media / Islamic Parties

Well this image is also one of incident occur in Thiland (2nd January 2009)


A view of images shared in this article:
original image 286x1024 Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media / Islamic Parties

One more image spreaded on Social Media regarding Muslims Killing in Burma
fb image Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media / Islamic Parties

This picture is also misleading original picture was from Riots in Thailand and taken in 2003:


fb origi Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media / Islamic Parties

One more misleading image shared on facebook with caption “A Muslim was burned in Burma and Journalist are Taking pictures instead of saving him “
fb image02 Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media / Islamic Parties

The original image was taken when Chinese president visit India:

fb image02 origi 700x1024 Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media / Islamic Parties

By sharing all these doesn’t mean that Muslims aren’t killed in Burma but what I mean is we are sharing everything without verification and authenticity of image.

Added: 07-18-2012
I have found more more picture (07-18-2012)  so Iam sharing it here.
burma muslims Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media / Islamic Parties

The real image was regarding 9/11 attacks and arrests of Tajikis and Uzbiks.

burma muslims orig Muslims Killing in Burma and our Social Media / Islamic Parties


السبت، أغسطس 11، 2012

Sinai Peninsula conflict Zone-Israel Egypt Treaty at Stake

August 11, 2012

Posted on August 11, 2012 by Akashma Online News

Masked Gunmen killed Egyptian soldiers

Sometimes our activism and our Passion for Palestine takes to take Palestine’s side. I m looking a different picture here.
At the beginning when the news got published, I immediately thought of Israel, we know that in conflicts of this nature Israel is the one that get benefit most of the time, well that’s what we want to think.
There are other elements into the Palestine resistance side of the conflict..(the armed wings or militias) that on one instance we praise for their courage to stand up against Israel  trying sometimes almost suicide missions, on other we see them as an obstacle for peace.
There are many groups not aligned with Hamas nor with Fatah, they act independently, diplomacy does not work for them, they see it as a waste of time.
One of these groups in 2007 carried the attack in the Israel base that captured the soldier Shilat. Hamas was not in control of the situation but after many underground talks with the leaders of the group Hamas consolidated the famous exchange of prisoners for Shilat few months ago.
Also do not forget that the Israel-Egypt treaty was due to security, Israel nor Egypt could control the Bedouins and the constant attacks to Israel..so Israel exchange peace and security and gave back the Sinai Peninsula..same tribes that now control and profit from the tunnels in the Egyptian Side.
So it is premature to say that Israel did it, or  say that Palestinians factions did it crossing to Israel knowing that they will be killed, kind of suicide mission.
Every one have motives to create conflict between Israel-Palestine,  Palestine-Egypt and Egypt-Israel, there are many in Egypt that oppose the peace treaty with Israel, so they could be the ones,  to make believe that Israel did it, to take advantage of the animosity of the Egyptians against Israel, because after all Egyptian and Palestinians are like  brothers united by ancestral ties and religion.
Could be possible that Egyptian tribes could have done it,  making sure to looks like Israel prints to keep the tunnels open, do not forget they control and profit from them. They do not want Rafah crossing to be officially and permanently to be open to commerce and transit, is not good for business.
Or could be any of the groups, the armed militia that act independently from the central government …all of them have motives to create conflict…But something for sure..if it was a Palestinian group, they usually take responsibility for their acts, or maybe they are learning deceit and treason as Israel do, and do it under the veil of the doubt …..
Before you make your mind, be sure to look the map of the Sinai Peninsula, situated very strategically so Israel can not lose control of it, even thought officially gave it back to Egypt in the famous treaty of 1979,  where there are conditions that Egypt has to comply with; like not to have military presence in the area, only Israel  could patrol the Sinai peninsula. Also the commerce between Egypt and Israel has to stay active.
Another important aspect if the Red Sea, the Suez Canal ,  the Gulf of Aden.

It’s quite simple: Israel needs an outlet to the Red Sea for its shipping. The only Israeli presence on the islands is military to ensure that the shipping lanes are kept clear for its imports and exports, including military hardware to fight against Arab states. By international agreement, a multinational UN force is also stationed on the islands which “monitors the compliance of all parties” with this agreement. In reality, this means that American and Egyptian troops help to protect Israel’s shipping lanes through the Straits of Tiran, Saudi Arabia’s occupied sovereign territory. What would the people of Saudi Arabia say if they knew?
You be the judge..
What ever the truth will eventually emerge.