الثلاثاء، أغسطس 30، 2011

Musulmani in festa, è finito il Ramadan

Sal-am Alakom Happy Aid Mubarak to all Muslims                

 Koll Am Wantoum Bkheer

Musulmani in festa, è finito il Ramadan

30 agosto 2011 – I musulmani da oggi celebrano Eid el fitr, la fine del Ramadan.
Ieri sera,quando le autorità religiose hanno avvistato uno spicchio di luna, è ufficialmente terminato il mese di digiuno del calendario islamico. Dopo raccoglimento, sacrifici e purificazione è il momento di festeggiare, secondo una tradizione che mescola inevitabilmente il sacro e il profano.
"Questa giornata si apre con una preghiera speciale in moschea, poi ci si riunisce nelle case, si mangia finalmente insieme alla luce del sole, si indossano abiti nuovi e si fanno regali ai bambini. È anche l’occasione per pensare ai più sfortunati, versando un po’ di denaro in beneficienza"

Israel targeted "the people of Gaza as a whole" in the three-week military operation which is estimated to have killed more than 1,300 Palestinians at the beginning of this year, according to a UN-commissioned report published yesterday.

UN says Israel should face war-crimes trial over Gaza
Report also censures Hamas but accuses Israelis of punishing entire population of the Palestinian Strip By Donald Macintyre in Jerusalem

Israel targeted "the people of Gaza as a whole" in the three-week military operation which is estimated to have killed more than 1,300 Palestinians at the beginning of this year, according to a UN-commissioned report published yesterday.

A UN fact-finding mission led by the South African judge Richard Goldstone said Israel should face prosecution by the International Criminal Court unless it opened independent investigations of what the report said were repeated violations of international law, "possible war crimes and crimes against humanity" during the operation.

Using by far the strongest language of any of the numerous reports criticising Operation Cast Lead, the UN mission, which interviewed victims, witnesses and others in Gaza and Geneva this summer, says that, while Israel had portrayed the war as self-defence in response to Hamas rocket attacks, it "considers the plan to have been directed, at least in part, at a different target: the people of Gaza as a whole.

"In this respect the operations were in furtherance of an overall policy aimed at punishing the Gaza population for its resilience and for its apparent support for Hamas, and possibly with the intent of forcing a change in such support," the report said.

The 575-page document presented to yesterday's session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva was swiftly denounced by Israel.
The foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said the UN mission had "dealt a huge blow to governments seeking to defend their citizens from terror", and that its conclusions were "so disconnected with realities on the ground that one cannot but wonder on which planet was the Gaza Strip they visited".

The UN report found that the statements of military and political leaders in Israel before and during the operation indicated that they intended the use of "disproportionate force", aimed not only at the enemy but also at the "supporting infrastructure".
The mission adds: "In practice this appears to have meant the civilian population."

Wednesday, 16 September 2009
A Palestinian woman next to her home destroyed during Israeli strikes in Jabalia refugee camp in the Gaza Strip in January
A Palestinian woman next to her home destroyed during Israeli strikes in Jabalia refugee camp in the Gaza Strip in January
Israel targeted "the people of Gaza as a whole" in the three-week military operation which is estimated to have killed more than 1,300 Palestinians at the beginning of this year, according to a UN-commissioned report published yesterday.
A UN fact-finding mission led by the Jewish South African former Supreme Court Judge Richard Goldstone said Israel should face prosecution by the International Criminal Court, unless it opened fully independent investigations of what the report said were repeated violations of international law, "possible war crimes and crimes against humanity" during the operation.
Using by far the strongest language of any of the numerous reports criticising Operation Cast Lead, the UN mission, which interviewed victims, witnesses and others in Gaza and Geneva this summer, says that while Israel had portrayed the war as self-defence in response to Hamas rocket attacks, it "considers the plan to have been directed, at least in part, at a different target: the people of Gaza as a whole".
"In this respect the operations were in furtherance of an overall policy aimed at punishing the Gaza population for its resilience and for its apparent support for Hamas, and possibly with the intent of forcing a change in such support," the report said. It added that some Israelis should carry "individual criminal responsibility."
The 575-page document presented to yesterday's session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva was swiftly denounced by Israel. The foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said the UN mission had "dealt a huge blow to governments seeking to defend their citizens from terror", and that its conclusions were "so disconnected with realities on the ground that one cannot but wonder on which planet was the Gaza Strip they visited".
The Gaza war began on 27 December 2008 and ended on 18 January 2009.
The UN report found that the statements of military and political leaders in Israel before and during the operation indicated the use of "disproportionate force", aimed not only at the enemy but also at the "supporting infrastructure". The mission adds: "In practice this appears to have meant the civilian population."
The mission also had harsh conclusions about Hamas and other armed groups, acknowledging that rocket and mortar attacks have caused terror in southern Israel, and saying that where launched into civilians areas, they would "constitute war crimes" and "may amount to crimes against humanity".
It also condemned the extrajudicial killings, detention and ill-treatment of Palestinian detainees by the Hamas regime in Gaza - as well as by the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank - and called for the release on humanitarian grounds of Gilad Shalit, the Israeli corporal abducted by Gaza militants in June 2006.
While the Israeli government refused to co-operate with the inquiry - or allow the UN team into Israel - on the ground that the team would be "one-sided", Cpl Shalit's father, Noam, was among those Israeli citizens who flew to Geneva to give evidence.
That said, the much greater part of the report - and its strongest language - is reserved for Israel's conduct during the operation. Apart from the unprecedented death toll, the report says that "the destruction of food supply installations, water sanitation systems, concrete factories and residential houses was the result of a systematic policy by the Israeli armed forces". The purpose was "to make the daily process of living and dignified living more difficult for the civilian population".
The report also says that vandalism of houses by some soldiers and "the graffiti on the walls, the obscenities and often racist slogans constituted an overall image of humiliation and dehumanisation of the Palestinian population". Hospitals and ambulances were "targeted by Israeli attacks."
Amid a detailed examination of most of the major incidents of the war - albeit an examinations carried out five months after the incidents took place - it says that:
* The first bombing attack on Day One of the operation when children were going home from school "appears to have been calculated to cause the greatest disruption and widespread panic".
* The deaths of 22 members of the Samouni family sheltering in a warehouse were among ones "owing to Israeli fire intentionally directed at them", in clear breach of the Geneva Convention.
* The firing of white phosphorus shells at the UN Relief and Works Agency compound was "compounded by reckless regard of the consequences", and the use of high explosive artillery at the al-Quds hospitals were violations of Articles 18 and 19 of the Geneva Convention. It says that warnings issued by Israel to the civilian population "cannot be considered as sufficiently effective" under the Convention.
* On the attack in the vicinity of the al-Fakhoura school, where at least 35 Palestinians were killed, Israeli forces launched an attack where a "reasonable commander" would have considered military advantage was outweighed by the risk to civilian life. The civilians had their right to life violated as under Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). And while some of the 99 policemen killed in incidents surveyed by the team may have been members of armed groups, others who were not also had their right to life violated.
* The inquiry team also says that a number of Palestinians were used as human shields - itself a violation of the ICCPR - including Majdi Abed Rabbo, whose complaints about being so used were first aired in The Independent. The report asserts that the use of human shields constitutes a "war crime under the Rome statute of the International Criminal Court."

الاثنين، أغسطس 29، 2011







Arrigoni - Hamas bloque la transmission en Italie du dossier sur l'assassinat de Vick

Un sceau contre la Vérité

Arrigoni - Hamas bloque la transmission en Italie du dossier sur l'assassinat de Vick

Michele Giorgio

Rien à faire nous sommes arrêtés au même point d'avant.
Le gouvernement du Hamas n'a pas maintenu sa promesse faite à juin à la famille de Vittorio Arrigoni de consigner le dossier avec les résultats des enquêtes déroulées dans ces mois. L'enquête menée par la Procuration Militaire du Hamas sur la séquestration et sur l'assassinat de l'activiste et journaliste italien - accomplie par un présumé groupe salacité, exactement il y a trois mois à Gaza - a été arrêtée dans la 2me moitié de juin, comme les Autorités avaient annoncé le mois passé, fait rapporté du Manifesto.
Le file a été consigné aux juges militaires qui sont entrain de l'examiner et qui se préparent à décider sur la demande de renvoi au jugement de deux palestiniens, ( au moment en prison ), engagés dans l'assassinat, ( Les autres deux ont étés tués dans un conflit armé par rayons spécials du Hamas peu après l'assassinat de Vick et le cinquième est en liberté veillée ).
De toutefois les assurances données par plus des parties à l'avocat italien David Tundo, qui pour mois a été le conseiller à Gaza City du " Centre pour les droits Humains" et constant point de référence de la famille Arrigoni, qui le dossier il aurait été mis à sa disposition de façon à pouvoir le porter en Italie et traduire, n'a pas été jusqu'à aujourd'hui réalisée.
C'est claire depuis longtemps qui seulement la diffusion des procès-verbal des interrogatifs des prévenus pourront éclaircir les raisons les quelles ont poussé les ravisseurs à prendre en otage Vittorio, ainsi que la raison de son assassinat et surtout si on a eu dans le crime une direction qui venait de l'extérieur.
Mais l'espoir a tourné dans une autre déception.À rapporter au Manifesto cette étape par l'enthousiasme et le découragement est le même avocat Tundo, rentré en Italie depuis quelque jour .- "Le dossier fait sur l'enquête a été déposée en date 23 Juin " - dit l'avocat - "Ce jour-là avec un collègues du Centre pour les Droits de l'Homme, nous sommes allés chez les Procureurs (à Gaza City, ndlr).
Ce fut une occasion que nous attendions depuis longtemps: j'étais à quelques jours de mon départ, et nous avions insisti en demandant aux autorités locales de nous assurer que la soumission du dossier d'arrivait dans un temps utile pour me permettre d'obtenir toutes les copies nécessaires pour être remis à la famille Arrigoni."
Tout ressemblait fait et au contraire…" Assis et anxieux dans la Procure - continue Tundo - j'observait l'employé faire des copies du dossier, malgré la photocopieuse ne marchait pas bien. Mais soudainement s'est passée la tournure. On nous viens dit qui la procure qui la famille Arrigoni nous avait donnée pour suivre l'enquête et porter en Italie ce précieux file n'était plus bonne." " Il se traitait seulement d'apposer des timbres de conformité et à payer en raison - recompte l'avocat - mais le procurer chef a tout bloqué.
À son dire, la traduction en arabe de la procure devait être faite par la Délégation Palestinienne en Italie en apposant de son sceau spécifique, et en plus un autre pas bien spécifique sceau du Ministère italien des Affaires étrangères.
Une pénurie légales jamais détectée avant." Depuis ce jour est commencé un tire et laisse qui n'a pas amené aucun résultat: Le copies du dossier sont encore la à Gaza et dans ces documents la vérité au subject de la mort de Vittorio aussi , selon les enquêteurs du Hamas."
Cette attitude d'obstruction des autorités du Hamas n'est pas né, à l'irrationalité veut arriver des objectifs spécifiques. Et ce n'est pas, en tout cas la crainte de la vérité. Qui écris, après avoir contrôlé les éléments à sa disposition, exclure qui le Hamas comme organisation politique et militaire soie impliqué dans la planification et dans l'exécution de l'enlèvement de Vittorio, ( ainsi que il tend à exclure une direction de l'extérieur ). C'est possible au contraire qui le gouvernement du Hamas désire d' utiliser l'histoire tragique de Vittorio Arrigoni pour obtenir une reconnaissance politique. Mais si le sceau de la Délégation Palestinienne en Italie c'est relativement facile à obtenir, avoir le sceau du Ministère des Affaires étrangères pourrait se révéler un obstacle insurmontable. L'Italie de Silvio Berlusconi refuse n'importe quel rapport avec le Hamas et connaissant ses
relations étroites d'amitié et d'alliance avec Israël, il est très improbable qui il ira accepter de formaliser avec un sceau du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, un document destiné à ce mouvement islamique. Nous ne voudrions pas pour cette raison, qui les désires cachés du Hamas et l'intransigeance du gouvernement de Rome peuvent nier la possibilité d'apprendre des informations cruciales aux membres de la famille de Vittorio au subject de ce qui s'est passé entre 14 et 15 avril passés. Le parents Egidia Beretta et Ettore Arrigoni, la soeur Alessandra et la femme de Vick, ont le droit de savoir et avec eux tous ceux qui en Italie et dans plusieurs de pays ont aimé et consideré Vittorio et son soutiens aux droits des Palestiniens de Gaza.