الأحد، أغسطس 21، 2011

France, Australia, Canada and U.S did not evacuate their nationals from Gaza. We're standing strong.

Chiesto agli internazionali di evacuare Gaza domani.

  • there are internationals that stay with you in gaza

  • julia from U..S  she stay in gaza 

  • Internationals in Gaza are due to be evacuated tomorrow. Israhelli tanks are on the border. One Israeli killed by a grad missile from Gaza. We know what Israel has in mind - question is what will the international civil society do about it?!Chiesto agli internazionali di evacuare Gaza doman

    Internationals in Gaza are due to be evacuated today. Israhelli tanks are on the border yesterday . from Gaza. We know what Israel has in mind - question is what will the international civil society do about it?!

    Qualsiasi cosa succede , il target diventa Gaza, e' una strategia per risolvere tutti i problemi interni ad Israele, e' una strategia di chi la  guerra la vuole a tutti i costi. Le cattive decisioni di attacco sono pagate da tutta la popolazione, che riceve punizi.

    Hundreds of Palestinians in Deir Al Balah rushing to Al Aqsa hospital in Deir Al Balah to donate blood.

    This is the result of american unwanted exported democracy and freedom at the end of a gun. Those who support, bless,sanction,engineer,participate in this odious grand adventure in imperialism are war criminals..
     Reports of atrocities like this are starting to come out of gaza,iraq,afhganistan and anywhere they use depleted uranium shells which RADIATE,seeps into the water and food and then poisons those who ingest it. Young people have children and some are coming out like this where depleted uranium shells were used. A UN report done on Falluja confirmed everyone's worst fears...Here is the result..Question is,what are YOU going to do about it...
    i dont know which is worst
    the kids in iraq afghanistan and palestine because of the radio active depleted Uranium munitions
    or the kids of Vietnam that are still being born in horrific shape because of Agent Orange that killed the trees
    the question is, since when you should someone dead it is over for him, but when s/he is born like that every day and every mnt of their lives is suffering..., should'nt the idiot that oked the use of such horrors be tried as a war criminal?
    We are commanded by the light of probity that each of us have within to resist evil by exposing it as the crime and immorality that it is...If the dishonor of violence is not revealed,confronted by exposure then how can it ever be erased? Every nation doing wrong has always spun it as a glorious crusade when in fact over and over it is iniquity and generation after generation swallows the lies and sends their kids off to do what they would individually recoil at in horror and never do unless they were duped,deceived to do by 'leaders' ...i sent copies of this to the local recruiting office. If we allow them to do such things, to lie about such things then what does that say about you and i? BE a candle in the dark and remember that the darkest dark cannot swallow the lightest light...

    ‎"Yesterday when going over the body of one of the children martyred in Israeli airstrikes, they found loads of coins in the child's pocket. They asked his friends, 'what is this money?'

    They were told he was gathering it for his brothers & sisters; the children in Somalia."

    Long Live human solidarity!♥♥♥ ♥♥♥..

    Hint: whatever you read about the Palestinian/Egyptian/Israeli conflict, move the reported players around and realize that Israel is always the instigator, they whine about rockets from Palestine, but if you read between the lines, you realize that planes and missiles are not something the Palestinians have. Palestinians in Gaza cannot own a gun, or even a pocket knife. So who bullies who?? You would not read this

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