الجمعة، أغسطس 26، 2011

we are palestinan can sent our suffering by every show and its open to wake word are youherat not hurt you and yr feeling not

   HAT    is the problem  the blood flowin  


some one ask man.. i didnt know that was going on. whats happening in palestine? why are arabs getting slaughtered? im from america could someone expian.
i'm not from Palestine or the Middle East, but I FELT your anger and hurt. Peace my sist

  • It's extremely freaking hard to make me cry, but this came close. I got that little knot in my throat that sends chills down your spine and sparks the synapses that let your tear ducts know to drop those little drops of hope for another people.
.. This is the type of Muslimah sisters we need in every community

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