السبت، أغسطس 20، 2011

Israeli tanks now close to Gaza borders. Pray for Gaza. It's going to be a rough night

From Meri Calvelli

Gaza mon coeur saigne et je ne pense qu'à toi...
Célébrez l'insouciance, vous goûterez aussi à la MORT...
they aren't human enough to be barbarians. In twitter they glorify the deaths of even the children. They mock and may Allah forgive me 
I hate them, I wish terrible things on them for mocking the plight of Gaza.

Chiesto agli internazionali di evacuare Gaza domani.

Internationals in Gaza are due to be evacuated tomorrow. Israhelli tanks are on the border. One Israeli killed by a grad missile from Gaza. We know what Israel has in mind - question is what will the international civil society do about it?!

An israeli gunboat that was shooting at fishermen was targeted by a Gazan missile! - Resistance from firing a barrage of rockets Btgah Ashkelon, Ashkelon and Ashdod now - Warplanes bombed the vicinity of the Gaza International Airport - Thousands of Jordanians arrive at the fence of #Israel Embassy for the first time, calling to expell Israeli ambassador -

*Explosions in Rafah right b4 ahoure . Israel is not going to not  let Gaza sleep tonight.
* New Israeli tank shelling on the formerly known as #Gaza 's international airport in Rafah

* Esplosioni a Rafah. Israele non farà dormire sonni tranquilli a Gaza neppure stanotte.
* Di nuovo artiglieria israeliana sul vecchio aeroporto internazionale di Gaza.

While you in America are rightfully worried about your jobs,pensions,mortgages,health care...your Tax Dollars are being rained down on the imprisoned people of Gaza.By air,and sea,they are being mercilessly attacked.Men,women,and many children are being collectively punished for attacks on Israel about which they can have had no knowledge,and no part. I have many American friends....I dont believe this is what you WANT....

The hypocrisy of the West is shameless. NATO bombards Libya to "protect civilians" and Israel mass-murders/bombs the people of Gaza and we, the supposed democratic West, do little more than protest. Shame, shame, shame.

During the Israeli onslaught against Gaza earlier this year, Mordecahi Elyahu, one of the leading rabbinic figures in Israel, urged the army not to refrain from killing enemy children in order to save the lives of Israeli soldiers. He had even petitioned the Israeli government to carry out a series of carpet bombing of Palestinian population centers in Gaza. “If they don’t stop after we kill 100, then we must kill a thousand. And if they do not stop after we kill a thousand, then we must kill 10,000. If they still don’t stop, we must kill 100,000, even a million. Whatever it takes to stop them”

At the time of writing [23.40 GMT], according to Palestinian medical sources, the death toll has climbed to 19 Palestinians, with 42 more wounded, all within the last 24 hours

o et la fin est proche......très proche incha Allah......


The hypocrisy of the West is shameless. NATO bombards Libya to "protect civilians" and Israel mass-murders/bombs the people of Gaza and we, the supposed democratic West, do little more than protest. Shame, shame, shame.

troppe cose sto capendo di Vittorio in queste ore... e delle sue scelte di non lasciare Gaza sotto le bombe... Vik che grande sei stato!! GRAZIE VIK!!! io mi riconosco in te in tante cose! caro VIK!
as the situation is so frustrating, as i am aware that i am quite powerless over the aggressions and injustice towards the people of Gaza..i like to include here the words of my friend .....and ....y who is in Gaza and keeping half the world updated "prayers are needed", so everyone please pray and then go out scream for justice

I'm sick of Israel. I'm sick of these cowards killing innocent children, sick of them being able to get away with shit while the world sits back & does nothing. Sick of my tax dollars paying for the weapons being used on my people. I'm sick of them blaming my people who are not allowed to breath without fucking permission, i'm sick of the apartheid wall that keeps people from living normal lives.

Truly staggering ignorance, it's a disgrace how you have been fooled, misled and deluded by those desperate to cling to their dark age myths.

To educate both of you simpletons on the most basic level, we share ancestry with monkeys as are today, as proven through DNA, and evolution continues all the time wherever and however it is necessary.

It can take millions of years.

تحرك للجيبات والاليات العسكرية في المناطق الشمالية علي الحدود الفاصلة وايضا طيران استطلاع علي ارتفاعات منخفضة الرجاء اخد الحيطة

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