Posted on October 11, 2012 by Akashma Online News
By Marivel Guzman
We always look back at history to review what we should not do. 911 was a tragic event perpetrated not only to the 3000 victims sacrificed on that day, but also the innocents victims in Afghanistan that died by the hands of the US soldiers and the mercenaries of the private contractors.
The official story went like this: 17 hijackers majority Saudis armed with box cutters took the control of 2 jets and crashed on the Twin Towers in New York, and pulverized 3 towers. 2 planes, 3 buildings well I guess math doesn’t matter now, it is the story behind the official story imprinted.
Very much the rest was unfolded to the public as it deemed necessary for the Bush Administration. First we heard of Osama Bin Laden being living in the mountains of Bora Bora in Afghanistan.
According to the Bush administration they asked the government of the Taliban, -which was the Official government- to hand over Osama Bin Laden a terrorist Ex Saudi that was behind the 911 attack. Supposedly they did not hand over Osama Bin Laden, which gave excuse to the US army to attack Afghanistan for harboring the most wanted terrorist in the world, as the FBI list have him on their # 1 spot with a huge rewards for his whereabouts, arrests and conviction. Well the story continues in a twisted way.
What happen when we got there?, we bombed every mount of dirt, and every mountain the US had in its target, not forgetting that the Satellite Imagery can gives a X Rayed picture of the womb of the mountains. With the technology we have we could have found a worm hiding on that rugged dry land of Afghanistan. Oil and Mineral Companies have been using this technology for decades now to find much more deep minerals and other veins of treasures buried in the earth.
The perception of a war it is not well accepted by the public, so we have to make up an issue ugly enough to kill thousands of innocents without being seen as heartless killing machines, and we found the perfect image to give to the world. The Evil Taliban suppressed and oppressed their Muslims women, an evil for the Media to broadcast, the excuse! while US soldiers dropping tons of dynamite and experimental bombs to an unarmed innocent population, the carnage went wild for few years.
The US did not found Osama Bin Laden, which lead us to ask ourselves the question. Would the Taliban could have hand over Osama to the US? and if Taliban have said yes, we will give you Osama. Could they have found him?….!
While the US was bombing Afghanistan and the hideouts of Osama’s men in the neighborhoods mountains of Pakistan, a huge campaign started in the US and in every country of the world, you must remember this, “The Abuse of Women in Taliban ruled Afghanistan it is horrible”.
From the first day on, that the American machine decided to control this untamed country of Afghanistan, that not even the Russian after 10 years of occupation could control.
The PR campaign went 24 hours, 365 days for few years, until the world lost their compassion for the Afghan men that were being killed like cockroaches in its nest.
The Public Relation Office of US army mounted a huge campaign of disinformation while we are destroying Afghanistan without being held liable for all the deaths we are causing. After all we are liberating the oppressed women of Afghanistan.
They made movies, TV programs, Radio shows, “Afghanistan about women abuses under Taliban”. The story was in every headline of the Stream Media News, in every magazine, every blog that there was.
The ultimate sinners; “The Taliban and its radical Islamic ideology” was what kept the world busy, while the US and their allies went to Afghanistan installed their groomed puppet Karsai,
So far the story has not form, but started getting, but when you find out that Karsai was a CEO of Chevron Corporation one of the top 5 Oil industries in the world.
By now the Taliban and every men that look like Taliban which is 99 % of the men in Afghanistan are being killed one by one, because once the invaders came to their land, they did what every patriot do in their land, they defend it against the aggressor, but the world at large it is so busy pitting the veiled oppressed women of Afghanistan that nobody has any more pity or concern for the men of Afghanistan, that by this time it is not just the Taliban, but every tribe that live in Afghanistan and that raised against the invader it’s being branded as terrorist and kill without compassion.
Remember Afghanistan shares borders with Pakistan in the East, Iran in the west, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the north, and China in the far east. There are countries in between like Baluchistan, Waziristan that are occupied territories, but they are mostly ruled by Tribes, that do not conformed to the government of Pakistan. So they have to rely on US
Afghanistan is already some how conquered territory, US and NATO bases are installed. So to wage a war with Iran US needs to secure the border with Pakistan, so all these drones on Pakistan territory could be just preparation for an attack to get rid of the unwanted tribal leaders control that might be friendly with other tribal leaders in the Iranian side.
Then we have Afghanistan ban on Pakistani Newspapers, telling a tale of mistrust. Meaning to this point Pakistan is seen as ally of US…but then we must ask….
Why US is attacking an Ally?…Well all I think of this popular proverb:.”In war and Love everything done is valid”, could be so, except that, there is no war against Pakistan, at least not a declared war.
Afghanistan had been fiercely fighting US and NATO troops, just like the Soviet Union could not defeat the Afghan tribal lords, neither US . except for the bases they installed in Afghanistan they do not have control niether the Central Government in Kabul.
We see on the map, Baluchistan which it is on popular belief an occupied territory by Pakistan, but Pakistan recognized Baluchistan as the back bone of Pakistan, the trick it is in the wording.
Now we go to Pakistan, for about over 11 years, the US is being using drones and that had killed more than 35,000 innocents in Pakistan, for more of these 11 years the story went unnoticed by the world except for News Outlets inside Pakistan no one was talking about the drones. But recently the women in pink, CODE PINK WOMEN with the invitation of Imran Khan, ex cricket player and opposition guy to the Military Islamic Government of Pakistan mounted an Anti Drone March. CODE PINK women will be touring Pakistan remote areas where the drones had hit harder.
The photo does not show signs of bullet on her left temple.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) worked in tandem with Pakistan to create the “monster” that is today Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban, a leading US expert on South Asia said here.
“I warned them that we were creating a monster,” Selig Harrison from the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars said at the conference here last week on “Terrorism and Regional Security: Managing the Challenges in Asia.”
Harrison said: “The CIA made a historic mistake in encouraging Islamic groups from all over the world to come to Afghanistan.” The US provided $3 billion for building up these Islamic groups, and it accepted Pakistan’s demands that they should decide how this money should be spent, Harrison said.The Emperor Cloths
Why her story from being inspiring for women, for freedom of speech has to be turned on a circus by the Press and by her own government. The intention is clear here, to shadow the Drones Attacks that was starting to surface more constantly, and with Pink Code women march…
By Marivel Guzman
We always look back at history to review what we should not do. 911 was a tragic event perpetrated not only to the 3000 victims sacrificed on that day, but also the innocents victims in Afghanistan that died by the hands of the US soldiers and the mercenaries of the private contractors.
The official story went like this: 17 hijackers majority Saudis armed with box cutters took the control of 2 jets and crashed on the Twin Towers in New York, and pulverized 3 towers. 2 planes, 3 buildings well I guess math doesn’t matter now, it is the story behind the official story imprinted.
Very much the rest was unfolded to the public as it deemed necessary for the Bush Administration. First we heard of Osama Bin Laden being living in the mountains of Bora Bora in Afghanistan.
According to the Bush administration they asked the government of the Taliban, -which was the Official government- to hand over Osama Bin Laden a terrorist Ex Saudi that was behind the 911 attack. Supposedly they did not hand over Osama Bin Laden, which gave excuse to the US army to attack Afghanistan for harboring the most wanted terrorist in the world, as the FBI list have him on their # 1 spot with a huge rewards for his whereabouts, arrests and conviction. Well the story continues in a twisted way.
What happen when we got there?, we bombed every mount of dirt, and every mountain the US had in its target, not forgetting that the Satellite Imagery can gives a X Rayed picture of the womb of the mountains. With the technology we have we could have found a worm hiding on that rugged dry land of Afghanistan. Oil and Mineral Companies have been using this technology for decades now to find much more deep minerals and other veins of treasures buried in the earth.
The perception of a war it is not well accepted by the public, so we have to make up an issue ugly enough to kill thousands of innocents without being seen as heartless killing machines, and we found the perfect image to give to the world. The Evil Taliban suppressed and oppressed their Muslims women, an evil for the Media to broadcast, the excuse! while US soldiers dropping tons of dynamite and experimental bombs to an unarmed innocent population, the carnage went wild for few years.
The US did not found Osama Bin Laden, which lead us to ask ourselves the question. Would the Taliban could have hand over Osama to the US? and if Taliban have said yes, we will give you Osama. Could they have found him?….!
While the US was bombing Afghanistan and the hideouts of Osama’s men in the neighborhoods mountains of Pakistan, a huge campaign started in the US and in every country of the world, you must remember this, “The Abuse of Women in Taliban ruled Afghanistan it is horrible”.
From the first day on, that the American machine decided to control this untamed country of Afghanistan, that not even the Russian after 10 years of occupation could control.
The PR campaign went 24 hours, 365 days for few years, until the world lost their compassion for the Afghan men that were being killed like cockroaches in its nest.
The Public Relation Office of US army mounted a huge campaign of disinformation while we are destroying Afghanistan without being held liable for all the deaths we are causing. After all we are liberating the oppressed women of Afghanistan.
They made movies, TV programs, Radio shows, “Afghanistan about women abuses under Taliban”. The story was in every headline of the Stream Media News, in every magazine, every blog that there was.
The ultimate sinners; “The Taliban and its radical Islamic ideology” was what kept the world busy, while the US and their allies went to Afghanistan installed their groomed puppet Karsai,
So far the story has not form, but started getting, but when you find out that Karsai was a CEO of Chevron Corporation one of the top 5 Oil industries in the world.
By now the Taliban and every men that look like Taliban which is 99 % of the men in Afghanistan are being killed one by one, because once the invaders came to their land, they did what every patriot do in their land, they defend it against the aggressor, but the world at large it is so busy pitting the veiled oppressed women of Afghanistan that nobody has any more pity or concern for the men of Afghanistan, that by this time it is not just the Taliban, but every tribe that live in Afghanistan and that raised against the invader it’s being branded as terrorist and kill without compassion.
Remember Afghanistan shares borders with Pakistan in the East, Iran in the west, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the north, and China in the far east. There are countries in between like Baluchistan, Waziristan that are occupied territories, but they are mostly ruled by Tribes, that do not conformed to the government of Pakistan. So they have to rely on US
Afghanistan is already some how conquered territory, US and NATO bases are installed. So to wage a war with Iran US needs to secure the border with Pakistan, so all these drones on Pakistan territory could be just preparation for an attack to get rid of the unwanted tribal leaders control that might be friendly with other tribal leaders in the Iranian side.
Then we have Afghanistan ban on Pakistani Newspapers, telling a tale of mistrust. Meaning to this point Pakistan is seen as ally of US…but then we must ask….
Why US is attacking an Ally?…Well all I think of this popular proverb:.”In war and Love everything done is valid”, could be so, except that, there is no war against Pakistan, at least not a declared war.
Afghanistan had been fiercely fighting US and NATO troops, just like the Soviet Union could not defeat the Afghan tribal lords, neither US . except for the bases they installed in Afghanistan they do not have control niether the Central Government in Kabul.
We see on the map, Baluchistan which it is on popular belief an occupied territory by Pakistan, but Pakistan recognized Baluchistan as the back bone of Pakistan, the trick it is in the wording.
Now we go to Pakistan, for about over 11 years, the US is being using drones and that had killed more than 35,000 innocents in Pakistan, for more of these 11 years the story went unnoticed by the world except for News Outlets inside Pakistan no one was talking about the drones. But recently the women in pink, CODE PINK WOMEN with the invitation of Imran Khan, ex cricket player and opposition guy to the Military Islamic Government of Pakistan mounted an Anti Drone March. CODE PINK women will be touring Pakistan remote areas where the drones had hit harder.
Now the latest news on the CODE PINK convoy as October 12, 2012:The media started a huge huge campaign regarding this 14 year old girl Malala Yousafzai that was shot by Taliban hit man. People might get confuse here, the media trained the world to think Taliban are the bad men from Afghanistan that oppressed the women, so what are they doing in Pakistan? may ask. Just type Pakistani girl shot by the Taliban on the search engines and you get more than 20 millions results. It is over the internet, the social networks are digesting this news as the latest Headlines news. But why even the government of Pakistan is going along with this story? The whole Malala story overshadowed the Anti drone march, few blogs and local News outlets barely covered the march.
The Pakistani military blocked a convoy carrying thousands of Pakistanis and a small contingent of US anti-war activists from entering a lawless tribal region along the border with Afghanistan on Sunday to stage a protest against American drone strikes.
The group, led by cricket star turned politician Imran Khan and his political party, was turned back just miles from the border of South Waziristan. After an hour of fruitless negotiations, Khan announced that the caravan would backtrack to the city of Tank, about 15 kilometers (9 miles) away, where he was expected to make a speech to the crowd. India Times
Or ThisSecondly, the rally was a threat to the space occupied by other political groups for decades. There were announcements from the mosques in Dera Ismail Khan and a Think Tank, that was a Jew and Christian sponsored group was coming to fool the people and must be resisted in the name of Islam. Leaflets were distributed to demonize the rally. As if this was not enough, a night earlier there was a symbolic rocket attack on a police post in Tank to scare the participants. The continuing chatter on walkie-talkies, some real and some propaganda, warning Fidayeen attacks on the forces of Zionism with devastating effect failed to dent the psychology of the people. Tank and hamlets along the way waited with warm hearts and high expectations. Opinion Maker Pakistan Online Paper
I want to make something clear on Malala Yousafzai tragic event. I do not doubt that she was somehow injured on the attack of the events that occurred on October 9 but I do not think that was Taliban people. It is too easy to target women in Afghanistan by any male that believes that women belong to the house. I say that somebody was paid to do the job. ..
The idea that Malala have been speaking since 2008 and has been very vocal about it, the News have been covering her story apparently since 2008. What it is strange is that there is no News out of Pakistan until the day of the attack.
Take for instance this interview/article to Malala, according to the writer George Brokate which it is the photographer also, the interview was done on 2010 but he run the article on October 22, 2012, I have not found other articles by him no where in this web site or any where else.
Now you look in the Internet by her name and you find millions hits, why just few knew about Malala in Pakistan, after all she was awarded the Dutch kid award and nominated by Desmond Tutu award with 4 other girls, including one girl from Palestine Liza, I mean other women..only the small group that were with Malala were mentioned, and one other girl that was injured in the attack is barely mentioned in other web sites, except for one interview, and On picture of the girl.
To me this is a Pakistani staged event to divert the attention of the US drones. Really how many more Pakistani people will have to die in drones attacks, so far 35,000 and counting. How many more drone attacks before Pakistani make an official complain, at least in the UN and the NEWS.
Poor Malala Yousafzai was injured and her story used to cover a really black agenda of the Pak/US intimate relations.
I have to say that I m happy for the women in Pakistan that this incident will be known, and will raise awareness in the region, not that they did not know…Malala has been written a blog since she is in 8 grade, the BBC knew about her stories, Pakistani Government knew, the local news knew, and the attack took place..Right? …
On November 24, 2011 Fazal Khaliq published this story, very genuine regarding Malala and besides BBC urdu publishing her dairies there were no News of her outside Pakistan.
The photo does not show signs of bullet on her left temple.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) worked in tandem with Pakistan to create the “monster” that is today Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban, a leading US expert on South Asia said here.
“I warned them that we were creating a monster,” Selig Harrison from the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars said at the conference here last week on “Terrorism and Regional Security: Managing the Challenges in Asia.”
Harrison said: “The CIA made a historic mistake in encouraging Islamic groups from all over the world to come to Afghanistan.” The US provided $3 billion for building up these Islamic groups, and it accepted Pakistan’s demands that they should decide how this money should be spent, Harrison said.The Emperor Cloths
Why her story from being inspiring for women, for freedom of speech has to be turned on a circus by the Press and by her own government. The intention is clear here, to shadow the Drones Attacks that was starting to surface more constantly, and with Pink Code women march…