الجمعة، مارس 30، 2012

فشل ذريع للفصائل والحكومات فى غزة والضفة لاخراج الفلسطنيين وعرب الداخل الله يعينهم وفلسطنيين الشتات يتطلعون الى الديار من بعيد وكلهم امل بالرجوع الى فلسطين الام

‎300 or more wounded and 1 killed , 20 year old in global march to jerusalem so far in palestine...

يوم الأرض يوم القدس يوم الحرية يوم فلسطين مسيرة القدس العالمية ستنطق من كافة المحافظات الفلسطينية
والبلدات الأردنية والسورية واللبنانية والتركية والمصرية والتونسية والليبية وكافة دولنا العربية والإسلامية والدول الداعمة لحقوق الشعب الفلسطيني في الحرية . أنتـ / ـي ::- ماذا عنك هل ستشارك هل ستدعم هل سترفع صوتك . من أجل أولى القبلتين وثاني المسجدين وثالث الحرمين الشريفين كلنا من أجل القدس .. فالقدس للجميع والقدس في العيون لتجمع من أمام المساجد الكبرى بكافة المناطق بعد صلاة الجمعة وليبقى شعارنا القدس في العيون نفنى ولا تهون.

 استشهاد شاب فلسطيني محمود محمد زقوت و37-40 اصابة حصيلة المواجهات مع الاحتلال الاسرائيلي بغزة اليوم من بعد صلاة العصر في ذكرى يوم الارض شمال قطاع غزة قرب معبر ايرز بيت حانون .
محمود محمد زقوت الذي قضى شهيدا خلال المواجهات التي اندلعت ظهر اليوم الجمعة قرب معبر بيت حانون إيرز شمال قطاع غزة صورة الشهيد الوحيد في هذا اليوم المبارك شهيد يوم الأرض محمود زقوت.

 ايضا ثمة احباط وثمة تقييد للتحركات الشعبية ـ السلمية ضد   الاحتلال.
..السلطتان في الضفة وغزة متوحدتان على استقرار السلطة والتعايش مع الواقع وفي فرض هيمنتهما على الشعب وعلى موارده وفي منع اية مقاومة حتى لو كانت شعبية وسلمية...هذا هو معنى الاحتلال المربح والمريح لإسرائيل...ياحيف,,,

من الضفة يقول الصديق :Mohammed Daraghmeh: الفصائل أخفقت في اخراج الناس لاحياء يوم الارض. بضعة آلاف فقط في مختلف انحاء الضفة غالبيتهم حملوا رايات فصائلهم..في قلنديا اعتدوا بالعصي على مصطفى البرغوثي لمنعه من تصدر التظاهرة. ثمة سببان: الانقسام اولا وثانيا أن الجمهور لم يقرر بعد متى يخرج.هل هو حفاظا على امن اسرائي ؟؟؟؟؟؟ ام حفاظا على الكراسي والمناصب والوزارات ؟؟؟!!!!

وأضاف احد الشهود العيان الذين تواجدوا فى المكان :Safer Alhob Alhob Safer ,تفريق الجماهير من قبل الأجهزة الأمنية قبيل حاجز بيت حانون لتفادي اختراق الشبان الحاجزحفاضا علي امن اسرائيل الله يحرقهم نسيوو الاسلام بس مشان الكراسي الي بتستروو في الدين قمه النذاله في مزابل التاريخ راح يبقوو

الاشخاص على  بعض المواقع الاكترونية فيس بوك :
Amer Kmaal حفاظ علي اسرائل وعلي الكراسي وين ضمير الناس يصحي ويشوف حماس وين ما خدا الشعب ياااااااااااااااا عم اصحو لازم تصحو
5 hours ago · Like
Siham El Khadoor حسبي الله نعم الوكيل عليهم بس ,, مش عارفة شو اللي بدهم اياه انا
5 hours ago · Like.

الخميس، مارس 29، 2012

Sandra: On the eith day of hunger strike in solidarity with the Palestinian captive / Hana Al-Shalabi

President of the United States Barak Obama
The White House
Washington, DC
Dear Mr. Presiden

My name is Sandra Twang. I am a 56 year old woman who lives in a very small rural village in central New York. I am writing to inform you that I am on a hungerstrike. I have almost finished my second day. I have eaten nothing for 2 days and I plan to continue unless something is done about the gross oppression and genocide of the Palestinian peoples

I learned of Palestine only a few years ago and have been educating myself on the subject since. What I learned has created such pain in my heart for these people that I can no longer bear it. What is even more painful is my governments active participation in this genocide by providing 3 billion dollars a year to the government of Israel, military hardware, and the most heionous provision , a blind eye to this genocide of an entire people..
In all instances the United States has stepped away from its legal responsibility to denounce this incredible theft of land and the building of Jewish only settlements pushing the Palestinians into smaller and smaller enclaves which are rapidly becoming open air prisons with the building of an apartheid wall , hundreds of checkpoints and Israeli only roads

The gross treatment of the

Palestinians and the neglect of recognition of their human rights is appalling. Their mobility is limited and defined by a government which seems to me to have no understanding of international law. Their children are stolen from their beds in the middle of the night, by the Israeli Defense Forces who then take them to prison to be interrogated and many times tortured. Many as young as 12 years old. Their parents are not allowed to accompany them and their is no legal counsel provided. Non-violent protestors, human beings confronting the building of 30 ft cement prison walls around their entire villages , many the only way out through a gateway which is a checkpoint with IDF soldiers attending. A curfew set for when they can

leave and when they must return by Many Palestinians are farmers, their olive groves on the other side of this prison wall, unable to access them unless the Israeli government allows , cutting them off from their only source of income. Many non violent palestinian protestors have been killed while exercising their right to protest these injustices, as has our own youth Rachael Corrie, whose death was dismissed and given no dignity for her incredible sacrifice in her fight to protect the Palestinians
Then there is the story of Gaza , an enclave totally surrounded by prison walls. The people of Gaza cannot leave Gaza they are truly prisoners. In December 2008 thru January 2009 the Israeli government bombed this enclave for 22 days killing killing more then 1387 people , 320 were children under the age of 18, 107 were women and 773 were civilians only 330 took part in the hostilities. ( B’Tselem’s investigation which is an Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories).
Because Gaza is totally surrounded by a razor wire and a prison wall there was no place for the civilians to go. Both Israel and Egypt blocked all crossings , and there are no bomb shelters in Gaza because the Israeli government will not allow cement into Gaza. The severe oppression of Gaza is so horrendous that international activists and human rights organizations around the world have tried to break this horrible seige and blockade . The people of the world are aware of this crime and because of a lack of response by the governments have taken it upon themselves as human rights defenders to attempt to break this blockade.
.The atrocities in Gaza are particularly grotesque in that they involve the random firing of missiles into urban areas , the shooting of farmers whose land lies close to the prison wall , shooting at fisherman who dare to go out beyond 3 miles from their shore . These atrocities go on and on year after year with the international community doing nothing. I am ashamed to say that my country inparticular has acted in a most agrevious way in its veto any any UN response in holding Israel for its crimes.
But now I want to tell you what drove me to this hunger strike. There is a young woman, Hanaa Shalabi, now imprisoned in Hasharon Prison in Israel. She was arrested on February 16, 2012 and is being held under what is called administrative detention. She is not allowed to know what she is accused of , to examine any of the evidence against her, thereby rendering her capability for due process null and void. She was only released from prison 4 months ago from administrative detention of 2 years. She was arrested from her home, violated by the arresting soldiers who beat her and provided no information to her why she was being arrested. She has protested her arrest and the unjust legal system refusal to allow her due process by going on a hunger strike. She is as I write this 36 days into her strike and dying ,
with the Israeli government , cold heartedly refusing to answer her charges of illegal detainment and freeing her.
There are more then 300 Palestinians at this time being held under this type of detainment. Many are on hungerstrike demanding their right to due process.
I cannot believe that my country allows this type of international crime and continues to support a corrupt government who has no respect for international law or respects human rights laws or due process.
My heart cries for her but in the same breath her courage is breath taking and I feel that I cannot abandon her and if I do not join her then I would be as guilty as those who are taking her life. My own governments silence in this fills me with fear of who we are. Our silence screams criminality in our continued support of Israeli crimes against these brave people.
So , I am letting you know that I will continue not to eat until you , Mr. Obama , address this issue with a heart and a respect for international and human rights laws. The Palestinian people have a beautiful culture and are very intelligent. Their problem is they have no say and have not for some time of their own destiny . If Israel is allowed to continue with these crimes I fear for the Palestinians , because I do not know what happens to a people who are forced to live under such severe oppression generation after generation.
Respectfully and with high hopes,
Sandra Rose Twang

الثلاثاء، مارس 27، 2012

المواطنة الامريكية "نانسي وليامز" توجه رسالة للشعب الفلسطيني : ارجوكم سامحوني To the Palestinians, Americans, and to All

To the Palestinians, Americans, and to All
BY : Omar Karem gaza city, Palestine 
For the last two years, I have been learning about what has been happening and is still happening in Palestine and I am extremely sad, angry, disappointed, and yet blessed at the same time. My blessings come from my friends in Palestine that have given me nothing but love and taught me how to be brave and remain strong, no matter what happens in life. The pain, mental anguish, frustration, humiliation and sorrow they go through, on a daily basis, sits in my heart and won’t leave, and yet they remain steadfast. This Friday, on March 30, 2012, I will begin a hunger strike for the Palestinians. As long as they are suffering, my spirit cannot rest. Americans, if you are not educated on what is really happening there, ask a Palestinian. Then you will discover just how special they are.
To all Palestinians, there is a connection that I have with you, that cannot be explained. I have decided to go on this hunger strike because I cannot sit here and do nothing. I want the suffering you endure to end, for justice to be served, and for you to know, that there are Americans that love you and will not rest until you are safe. I have also decided to go on this hunger strike for Hana Shalabi. When I learned that Hana was re-arrested and on a hunger strike, it was as if her call out for justice and freedom, along with her kind spirit, went straight through my heart. I am sorry and ashamed of how my government has ignored your cry for help. Let us hope and pray they will listen and stop supporting the Israeli government, while they constantly violate international human rights laws. I am also sorry that I was not aware of what has been happening there. Please forgive me. Now, I am aware and hear you.
Nancy J. Williams

الى الشعب الفلسطيني, الشعب الامريكي والى الجميع
منذ عامين وانا اتعلم حيال ما ما كان وما زال يحدث في فلسطين مما جعلني حزينة للغاية, مثبطة العزم. ولكن سعيدة في نفس الوقت. سعادتي تتأتى من اصدقائي القلسطينين الذين لم يمنحوني شيئ سوى الحب وتعليمهم لي كيف اكون شجاعة وابقى قوية في ظل كل ما يحدث لي في الحياة. ان الحزن والاذلال والاحباط والعذاب العقلي والالم الذي يمر بهن الشعب الفلسطيني بشكل يومي يكتمون على انفاسي ويأبون مغادرتي, بل ينمون بشكل ثابت. هذه الجمعة, في يوم 30 من مارس 2012, سوف ابدأ اضرابي عن الطعام من اجل الفلسطينين, ولن تهدأ روحي ابدا طالما تستمر معاناتهم. أيها الامريكيون , ان لم تكونوا مدركين لما يحدث هنالك. اسألوا فلسطينيا, حينئذ سوف تكتشفون كم هم مميزون.
الى جميع الفلسطينين, هنالك رابط بيني وبينكم لا يمكن وصفه. وانني لقررت ان اخوض هذا الاضراب عن الطعام لانني لا استطيع ان اجلس هنا من دون عمل شيئ. انا اريد ان تنتهي معناتكم التي تحملون, اريد العدالة ان تسود, وان هنالك اناس امريكان يحبونكم ولن يهدأون حتى تنعموا بالامان. وانا ايضا قررت ان اخوض هذا الاضراب عن الطعام من اجل هناء شلبي. عندما علمت ان هناء قد تم اعتقالها للمر الثانية وهي الان في اضرابها عن الطعام, فانني قد شعرت كما لو انها تصرخ من اجل الحرية والعدالة بروحها الطيبة 
 لتغمر قلبي. انني اسفة وخجولة من الكيفية التي تتجاهل فيها جكومتي لصرختكم المطالبة بانقاذكم.
نانسي وليامز

 We have invented the most powerful flying machine, the smallest medical devices, the most dangerous weapon we can imagine and being so advance technologically we still can not comprehend in its entirely our humanity, but we are trying, little by little we understand more and more of us, our world become so important that we feel the necessity of help in the restoration and the unification of our human family.
What make us humans we ask ourselves? The Soul?, our Heart?, our feelings? what really do we have inside our bodies that make us compassionate or despicable beings? Does all the human beings are able to FEEL?. The Most Power Weapon Our Humanity.


Lifeless in Israel Jail

 .I was  19 years of age when I arrested  by Israel Forces since 12 old  I  have  the dream like any other child in Palestine, to see his land free from the wrath of the Occupation

 Childhood is not like any other


 Childhood is not like any other child in the world  (Gaza/West Bank/Jeralem 

children spend their entire childhood surviving one more day, while otherchildren in his age were playing  , going to school having a normal life,was being part of the resistant movement

  where every Palestine is  Life in Gaza is not easyb but now i will try after so many time very bad  from all parts    POLITCALS  AND  OTHER  NOT  NO  MORE are  CARE  

السبت، مارس 10، 2012

why hammas always ataked me

  i been after behind  this bulding take photos for trees and flowers two weart  ppl with out any reason toke my camera today and phones and tolled me you shoudnt be here its security area and you put single in yr self and attention  and  ppl of Gaza they know the area of war Gaza cementry its  so nice area with trees of orange and lemon and grefruit and flowers the Gaza Strip's eastern cemetery and they tolled me you at 10 clock waiting for us to come to the staution of special forces (alamn aldakhly )
why hammas do this every  time to me will the want to kill my fighting  against iseral why they always you cant be here you cant take pics some one tolled me may i not stand to good cuz i live here cuz i try to protracts  the ppl i make world watch how iseral kill a civilian ppl its not fair hammas u wrong

Gaza buries 15 men Israeli warplanes target south, central Gaza Strip, bringing death toll of strikes

A Palestinian 15 Martyrs by Zionist aggression on Gaza Strip.. reacts at a hospital after an Israeli targeted attack on a car in Gaza City March 9, 2012. Israel killed the leader of a Palestinian faction on Friday in the targeted attack on the car in the Gaza Strip, an Israeli official said. A second man also died in the blast, and a afew were injured

No Israeli raids for the last hour, just hope it stopped for tonight Gaza has borne a lot today ... 11 martyrs and dozens of wounded (about 25) ... 
Just was thinking, this sufferance adds nothing but more courage and will to the Palestinia
ns, and especially Gazans ... We have always believed in the quote that says " What does not kill you only makes you stronger" , and who believes in something never gets lost Zuhair al-Qaissi, a secretary-general of the armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) 
An Israeli airstrike killed a top Palestinian commander in Gaza on Friday March 9, 2012 in the highest profile attack against the coastal strip in months....

شهيدااااااااااااااااااان في بيت لاهيا .... الاااااااااان
قصف علي شارع اليرموك علي بيت اليمنى مكون من 4 طوابق اسفر عن اصابة 4 مواطنين . وعلي حي السودانية ايضا قبل قليل
3 ثلاثة شهداء قرب الاتصالات في التشريعي 
إحصائية الشهداء حتى هذه اللحظة ..
1-الشهيد القائد زهير القيسي
2- الشهيد الاسير المحرر محمود حنني
3- الشهيد محمد حرارة
4- الشهيد عبيدة الغرابلي
5- الشهيد حازم قريقع
6- الشهيد شادي السيقلي
7- الشهيد القائد فايق سعد
8-الشهيد معتصم حجاج
9-الشهيد أحمد حجاج

Keep safe my people and take care everyone ... Will be updating in case anything happened ... Have a calm night away from Israeli F16s . Bye
Israeli raid has targeted a civilian house causing 4 injuries and huge material damages .
New raid north of 
استهدفت غارة إسرائيلية منزلا مدنيا مسببة أربع إصابات وأضرار مادية جسيمة .غارة جديدة الآن شمال قطاع غزة 
New raid in Beit Lahia- Number of injuries reported and initial reports talk about one martyr at least .
غارة جديدة في بيت لاهيا . أنباء عن عدد من الإصابات, وأنباء أولية تتحدث عن وجود شهيد واحد على الأقل 
Palestinian resistance is still pounding the occupied territories with missiles, in response to the heinous attacks .. By the Zionists! Each of greeting and respect for the Palestinian resistance men who again shower the Zionists with a barrage of rockets that heartening .. God bless you men of Palestine!
   ..   not end the crime so shame of world Gaza need justice The Israeli terrorism is never on holiday", this was Vittorio Arrigoni's comment on 19 November 2010 about a new Israeli massacre of Palestinians.
Neither last night zionists stopped their bloodlust: Israeli warplanes continued to strike several targets across the Gaza Strip overnight and early Saturday morning for the second day bringing the death toll to 12, and injuries to 25 (on the contrary Maannews report 20 injured)