الجمعة، أغسطس 01، 2014

جندي إسرائيلي يصوّر لحظة قصف مسجد في غزة ويهدي القصف لقتلى جنود الاحتلال...July 30, 2014 - We are going to blow up 11 tons of explosive material above and below ground. An Israeli soldier said, Dedicated to the memory of the killing of three soldiers who were killed in the beginning of the events, he goes on saying. The battalion fighting since the beginning of the ground invasion. Then the soldier continues to narrate, "You can see in the front of the mosque, that has a tunnel, which will be part of the bombing comprehensive you will be hearing shortly after, " At this moment the battalion officer gives instruction to the other battalion and you will hear seconds after the explosion." (Now you hear an expressions of joy between the soldiers, laughing and celebrating the destruction of the mosque) Then another soldier said, "Long live the State of Israel" They are obviously in a path of destruction and killing of everything that moves in Gaza. Israel is braking every International law protocols, Geneva Conventions, War protocols, protections of children, protection of civilians, protection of worship places and other words War Crimes.

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