الأحد، سبتمبر 11، 2011

US Officially Drops Charges Against Bin Laden - Israel Did 9-11

R           to 2,976 Americans that lost their lives on 9/11
R      to the 48,644 Afghan people & 1,690,903 Iraqi people that paid the price for crime they did not commit.

my speech about us

grazie when i remember vik i go to cry its more than reason more than feeling and personality its shouldnt be in gaza like this and its write in our history that we have clean and no one point to use us like this killer under name of freedom and justice no way ???/

Palestine News Omar Kream
what you say is true.
yes I know Omar
it's hypocrisy in the most foul way
but remember that people in the U.S., they don't know what has been happening in Palestine.
So we tell them. This is the only way they will know: if someone tells them.
Imagine to yourself what you would most like life to look like around you.
and focus on that
i do about the 11-9\
but that's because of the media
and big game they do
to kill more ppl
the media decides what people know
yes I know, what you say ... it makes people money
wealthy people who own the arms manufacturing companies
they make money in weapons sale
and they test their new weapons on Gaza
and all the children.
and all of you.
so it's not the American people
and iraq
and Iraq
and afganstan
that IS the American people, largely
Omar it makes money
they serve an evil master
I'm so sorrowful about all the families
in their ruined towns
and all their children
so many born with abnormalities
i know
and so traumatized
all I can do is say: I have chosen poverty over earning money that can be taxed
I've withdrawn my participation.
if everyone did this for even ONE DAY
it would have a huge impact.
well look at Egypt
yes sure
its big game
maybe even more than we suspect.
we are like chasse
we are owned.
and manipulated.
so now, what's this about Salam Fayed??
that he was working for the INternational MOnetary Fund???!
so he's not concerned about the lives of the people
he's concerned about money.

Uploaded by  on Jun 18, 2011
CLICK HERE LEARN THY ENEMY - JEWS DID 9-11 (Israel did 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD) http://stenchofzion.blogspot.com/p/israel-did-911-all-proof_28.html

It's Time to Defend Our People Unify or Die!!!

9-11 Missing Links Israel (Full Movie) AbsoluteTruthhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnrOGO8cVC4&feature=channel_video_title

9/11 The Military Knows Israel Did It Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former director of studies at the US Army War College says that the military brass now know that Israel and those traitors within our nation committed the 911 attackhttp://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?feature=iv&p=92ABE07006DD5DD4&a...

USS Liberty Cover-Up (Full Movie) The Loss Of Liberty US Navy Army Marines Military http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NRWBcfXnMo&feature=channel_video_title

Israel spying on US: A long history CIA counterterrorism officer Philip Giraldi

US Congress/Gov. Controlled by AIPAC/Israel/Dual Citizen Jews and Zionist Freaks Out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmypyTDdBP8

Cynthia McKinney US lawmakers forced to sign support of Israelhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeVBa4lSscw

Obama advisor calls for Military Invasion of Israel Anti-Christ State for Palestinian State http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjPiza9UNMw
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Uploader Comments (o1OpTiMuS1o)

  • This is a Joke there were never any Charges on Bin Laden another Government Lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • @ratt7777 FBI admitted it years ago maybe this will wake the braindead up more even on the FBI website its always been he was never charged and no evidence linking him to 9-11 just like the Iraq WMD lie, its all a Jewish war for Dual Citizen Jews ruling the Us to send our best white soldiers over there be their murderers against a innocent population but they dont whats really going on their trying to destroy our best soldiers and raise a Communist army here of Dual Citizen Africans and Mexicans

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  • she never mentioned that he was never charged for 9/11.
see all

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  • @opandroids I suppose you're going to tell me about the one fat guy out of a million who has a condition. I guess you're right though, it's the least important by far. I can't help it, I hate fat people !
  • @oveid what does fat have to do with that? thats just a highly uneducated sterotype
  • so ther is no proof he did it thet macks us Gultiy? ur nuts mate!
  • if their TV tells them tomorrow that eskimo insurgents did 9/11, most of these worthless cowards will believe because that's where they put their faith today. War is now necessary to thin out the weak, effeminate, fat, lazy, selfish, entitled cowards who can't learn, so must go.
  • MSLSD viewers are consistently least informed - PolitiFact.
  • hes dead , so i dont get ut
  • dude get a link up there to my blog, I revised the Israel did 9/11 proofs page. it's more complete now.
    PM me
  • how do you dismiss whats never was charged?

    • M   there were 2,976. but they were not all americans. several hundred were from other lands...including quite a few muslims.

    • Omar Karem sorry 11-9 its action of film fib do for showing world and make awar in iraq and afganstan shame of all politacals now now this game until now while they kill and destory under the name of freedom in libya and palestine and all world

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