الخميس، ديسمبر 15، 2011

there is light at the end of tunnel its a freedom victory will come sooner or later



More than half of the Gaza Strip's 1.5 million population is under 18, and some are beginning to get a bit pissed off about the deal they're getting (as you can tell). Palestinians who feel let down by the efforts of their dissident representatives in the region—organizations like Hamas and Fatah.   comrades feel like the two parties spend too long squabbling amongst themselves over political power and not enough time sticking it to Israel.
Involved with stirring up several of the major protests in Palestine this year  . He tends to strive for a low profile, fleeing across the nearest border every so often when things get a bit testy, but he was kind enough to have a quick chat about the big

Well, we've been on a public hunger strike recently because there are Palestinians who have been in prison in Israel for over 30 years. The least we could do is show them some support and raise awareness. Israel is breaking international law by keeping these people behind bars for no reason, other than the fact that they’re Palestinian. They've been portraying them as terrorists, but the truth is so different.

Well, Hamas and Fatah are totally corrupt. They were created to serve Palestine, but now it's totally different. All they look for is power and money, however, their history means they are still popular. If we take to the streets and ask for the end of Hamas then the alternative is Fatah, which is not a good choice.

My safety is the last thing I think of, I have been arrested many times in iseral and jourden and eygpt and gaza and I don’t care if I get arrested again cuz i fight for palestine  when I go back from eygpt. When I get arrested it means that I am doing the right thing and I am scaring them.
  Out of our own frustration we had to do something to change the situation imposed upon us. We published anews in akashma on line news that vented our anger with all Palestinian factions and Israel.

 .  Most of us speak languages other than Arabic. We decided to break the wall of silence and to say whatever we want without taking into consideration the risk or the punishment that's waiting for us.
  Our goal is to end the division between other groups in Occupied Palestine—we have succeeded to some extent.
All the news the world gets is unreliable and follows some agenda, so we’re going to post in soical media and blogger to tell the truth about life in Gaza. We’re also talking to revolutionaries in Egypt—studying for future plans for Palestine.
A government that kills people on a daily basis and builds settlements whilst refusing all peace initiatives is a terrorist government. I have no hope if Netanyahu remains in power.
I think the people of Israel need to be more frank with their votes for peace. Whoever they've elected so far has shown they are against any peace.
Everything. Factions that we voted for but never did what we wanted, the Israelis who are killing us every day, people who are refusing to speak out because of fear... One day people will step up and say no to everyone.
More people are waking up every day. I think the change is coming soon and success is guaranteed, it's just a matter of time.

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