الاثنين، أكتوبر 31، 2011

فلسطين عضو في اليونسكو Palestine is a member of UNESCO

فلسطين عضو في اليونسكو .. رغماً عن ما يسمى بإسرائيل  
Palestine is a member of UNESCO .. Despite the so-called Israel
Palestine Gets Full membership in UNESCO .. By the Vote of 107 countries,14 countries Opposed, 52 countries Abstained from voting .. Congratulation Palestine ♥


* The United Nations' cultural agency, has decided to give the Palestinians full membership of the body. 107 countries voted for Palestine, included Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa and France; 14 voted against (among them The United States, Canada and Germany ) 52 were neutral (among them Italy and Britain). 

* L'Assemblea generale dell'Unesco ha approvato l'adesione a pieno titolo della Palestina nell'organizzazione. La risoluzione è stata adottata con 107 voti a favore, tra cui quello di Francia, Cina e India. Contrari Stati Uniti, Germania, Canada e altri 11 paesi. Cinquantadue gli astenuti, tra cui figurano Italia e Gran Bretagna.

The United Nations' cultural agency, has decided to give the Palestinians full membership of the body. 107 countries voted for Palestine, included Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa and France; 14 voted against (among them The United States, Canada and Germany ) 52 were neutral (among them Italy and Britain).

الدولة الفلسطينية هي الآن عضو معترف بها لليونسكو


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